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Diffuse is the maximum evolution of radiant raised access floors.
It consists of special panels made of a sandwich formed by a patented aluminium shaped radiant body, enclosed between a lower polystyrene insulating layer and the top finish panel. The special shaping of the aluminum foil allows the perfect fit of a multilayer pipe, therefore enable the highest thermal efficiency. The pipeline supplies the Diffuse system with water at low temperature (up to 35 ° C in heating and 17 ° C in cooling) coming from a thermal plant. The aluminum foil acts as a diffuser of the thermal power and ensures its uniform distribution. This allows the optimum air-conditioning of the area affected by Diffuse.
Diffuse system can be composed of more than one water circuit (for medium-sized areas up to 12m ²/circuit) that converge to special manifolds with regulation driven by the room’s air conditioning control system.
Such composed system is than raised from the concrete slab by a special structure with adjustable height from 14 to 65 cm in order to create a cavity beneath the floor to collect other installations such as wiring, plumbing, telephone, computer and any fresh air system
The total accessibility to said systems is granted through an easy operation: removing the finishing panels and the neutral diffuser panels (without piping), which are totally independent one from the other. This operation can be repeated as many times as necessary: without intervention of skilled personnel, without any connection to existing installations which limits the handling, without special tools for removal and repositioning of the panels.Simplicity, ease and precision for the maximum comfort.
The huge versatility of Diffuse: light, easy to install and completely dry, applicable in any space where a raised floor can be installed, removable, with the possibility of replacing the finishing of the floor at any time without the need for masonry
The very low thermal inertia: this is the characteristic of dry radiant systems due to the reduced mass; it allows to bring the room to the desired temperature in the shortest time possible, avoiding the long preheating times at ignition, as well as power and energy waste at switch off, that is typical of screed radiant systems having a much higher thermal inertia than Diffuse.
The high thermal efficiency: due to the choice of materials and the composition of the system, Diffuse ensures a significant reduction in consumption (-35%) with the consequent benefit in terms of energy saving, environmental protection and spending review. These are just some of Diffuse’ s peculiar features, the innovative radiant raised floor ideal for new buildings and renovations.
Diffuse: advantages and saving
Totally accessible: each panel can be removed and repositioned without any constraint, thus allowing full accessibility to the underfloor in order to make maintenance and /or modifications to the systems (wires, plumbing, telephone and computer) or to vary the configuration of the rooms with the addition or new positioning of work-stations.
Energy Saving: more than 35%
The use of the advanced control system (optional) allows the perfect thermal regulation of the system; it is able to compensate for abrupt changes of the room’s temperature due to outside heat where, for example, there are large glass areas.
Optimal distribution of the temperature: (uniform heat up to approx. 2,5 m high).
No convective motion of air in the room, no alteration of air quality and reduction in the amount of dust into the room.
Fields of application
The Diffuse system can be applied wherever there are the conditions for using a raised floor.
It is recommended for areas subject to space reconfigurations (e.g. open space offices, banks, museums, public offices, etc.) because it is completely accessible and, therefore, allows various changes to the underfloor systems at any time and without having to resort to a costly demolition.
HOUSING RENOVATION drastic reduction in the realization times; // simplification of the worksite’s logistics; // total costs very close to those of the wet solutions (with cement screed).
RENOVATION OF TERTIARY BUILDINGS drastic reduction in the realization times.
RESTRUCTURING OF SHOPS AND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS: drastic reduction in the realization times, resulting in rapid returns on investment due to a faster start-up of the business activity; // simplification of the worksite’s logistics: about 4 weeks, with consequent economic advantages resulting from a rapid re-opening; // the most cost-effective solution.
Contact us, we will be proud to give you all the informations about a product that can be considered the state of the art in the radiant raised floors market.