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The globalized world offers a huge challenge to the world of civil engineering to which it is possible to respond competently by providing innovative products, high performance structural systems and high profile design skills.
Upon request, Nesite is able to develop ad hoc seismic designs in order to the most demanding performance requirements (severe seismic actions, high operating loads) or solve complex installation situations (height from the ground, operation in the absence of confinement).
“V” bracing – anti – seismic system
The seismic design can take place according to the most common international codes. In the European context, they are now consolidated Eurocodes, in particular in the seismic field: EN1998: Eurocode 8 “Design for structures for earthquake resistance”.
In the American context, full integration of all local Standards is not yet complete; in the seismic field, reference is usually made to IBC 2003, ASCE 7, NEHRP Provisions, SEAOC. In the Arabian peninsula, the use of UBC 1997 (Uniform Building Code) is still very common.
“K” bracing – anti – seismic system
In contrast to the apparent simplicity of the raised floor structural system, the analysis of the seismic response often involves the adoption of advanced numerical analysis methods, also leading to the implementation of finite element calculation models of the individual components, whose behavior decisively influences the overall seismic response.