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A continuous commitment to a more sustainable future
Started with the aim of giving more and more value to the company and products, our sustainability path has transformed over time into a strategy integrated into the company philosophy. The concrete and daily commitment to environmental issues and attention to people and collaborators allow us to operate as strategic partners within projects that require high standards of sustainability, confirmed by the most recognized international certifications.

The pillars of sustainability according to Nesite
Being sustainable for us means:
Involve the internal team so that it is always actively looking for environmentally friendly materials and solutions to propose to our customers.
Check the entire supply chain: we ask all our suppliers for certifications attesting their commitment to ESG issues.
Continuously verify our alignment with sustainability objectives, both through internal reports and external audits by certifying bodies.
Be promoter of sustainable innovation: we are innovators in the introduction and use of natural materials with lower environmental impact.

Sustainability targets
Promote the recycling of waste materials by selecting companies specialized in the separation of dust, for their reuse in the construction sector.
Act towards the reduction of the most polluting elements present in emissions, whilst remaining within the legal limits, by selecting single-component glues and thermo-melting glues free of substances harmful to the environment.
Reduce the sizes of the cores and coverings, to reduce the quantity of dust.
Identify a partner for the separation of the panel components, to facilitate their reuse or recycling.