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05 April 2016
Founded in 2001, CMA Lift is one of the most dynamic companies in the production of elevators and components. As company strongly oriented towards the foreign market, CMA elevators push on the internalization

21 March 2016
Resilient and raised floors: fire reaction and fire resistance The Foundation of Engineers of Padua and the Order of Engineers of Padua organize, in collaboration with Nesite and e Tarkett, a seminar about

10 March 2016
DIFFUSE: the highest evolution of radiant raised accessible floors
Diffuse is the maximum evolution of radiant raised access floors. It consists of special panels made of a sandwich formed by a patented aluminium shaped radiant body, enclosed between a lower polystyrene insulating

29 February 2016
Mega airports: Kuwait too is involved in the challenge to Dubai’s super hub
The Dubai International Airport is undoubtedly the busiest airport in the world: with over 78 million passengers in 2015, the glittering UAE hub is the beating heart of the Middle East economy, and a

03 February 2016
Its name is ICON and, in Bahria Town (real estate developing colossus), it is "a landmark in Pakistan development". Malik Riaz chairman of the Asian building trade colossus (more than 25.000 employees and

13 January 2016
Nesite raised floors for ArchiStar Fuksas’s “Nuvola”
"The work is nearly finished. Rome will have at last what Rome always needed: a Congress Centre suitable for a Worldwide City". That is what Archistar Massimiliano Fuksas said at the first "public

18 November 2015
Nesite workshop: “Which raised floor?”
Workhop November 25 @ Dubai Nesite Showroom: when communication means training. Raised floor market asks for an always increasing attention by companies who are, like Nesite, developing their business in quality, and not just

23 October 2015
In Norway, innovation is synonymous with Nesite raised floors
Last February we spoke about Wilber Atrium, a construction BREEAM certified, equipped with raised floor from Nesite and projected witn an Under Floor Air Distribution System, with all the installations (ventilation, air conditioning plus water, electricity and computer cabling) located

02 July 2015
Nesite raised floors in the Vatican Data Center
Thanks to the Nesite raised floor, the inside of the Data Center of the Vatican Apostolic Library has changed. The entire renovation of the pavement - that it was necessary to replace an

19 June 2015
State Audit Bureau: Nesite raised floors in Kuwait
The head office of State Audit Bureau of Kuwait is another important building where a Nesite raised floor was installed. The building, head office of the public fund commission, includes 19,000 sqm of

08 May 2015
Dubai: new showroom and presentation of Nesite Contract
Tuesday May 19 will be held in Dubai a must for project managers and entrepreneurs involved in the dynamic life of the sparkling Emirate. With great satisfaction (and a bit of emotion ..)

16 April 2015
Twin Floor Indoor: the raised floor that improves acoustic comfort
Twin Floor is Nesite's raised floor system, available in both outdoor and indoor versions. Last week we talked about Twin Floor Outdoor, a product in great demand in the months before the seasonal