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07 August 2018
STIGA: the new green headquarters chooses Nesite raised floor
A record-breaking construction site and a network of exclusively local suppliers: Stiga, the Swedish leader company in the production and distribution of lawn mowers and powered garden equipment, has inaugurated its new

05 July 2018
4.0: the customizable raised floor in resin
4.0 is the new customizable raised floor with pigmented resin finish. The main characteristics of this new product are conferred by its covering that offers a wide choice of colours and finishes. 4.0:

21 June 2018
Seismic design for raised floor
The globalized world offers a huge challenge to the world of civil engineering to which it is possible to respond competently by providing innovative products, high performance structural systems and high profile design skills.

22 March 2018
Pavimenti Nesite nel nuovo quartier generale Santander a Torino
Santander, la banca spagnola che da anni ha il suo quartier generale nel capoluogo piemontese, continua a puntare su Torino e cambia quartier sede. La nuova ubicazione vanta un passato importante, il palazzo

15 February 2018
Maximum customisation with new NESITE panels
Create your own style! Maximum customisation of your raised floor with the new 4.0 and Venice NESITE panels.

19 January 2018
Nesite at Klimahouse 2018
The Nesite stand Klimahouse 2018 Nesite and the partner FloorTech will be present with the innovative raised floor Diffuse, the radiant system designed and developed for the optimization of the highest thermal efficiency. You

10 January 2018
Klimahouse 2018: le novità
Torna a Bolzano dal 24 al 27 gennaio Klimahouse 2018, fiera di riferimento internazionale per l’efficienza energetica ed il risanamento in edilizia, giunta alla tredicesima edizione. La manifestazione fieristica, in programma a Fiera

30 November 2017
Nesite raised floor for the Louvre of Abu Dhabi
After many years of hard work, the museum Louvre in Abu Dhabi will open its doors. Designed by Pritzker prize winner Jean Nouvel, the museum was born following an intergovernmental agreement with France

31 May 2017
International architecture Exhibition. May 2017, Padova.
Following the outstanding success of Padova 2013 Architettura international architecture workshop, Padova 2015 Architettura international architecture workshop and Padova2016 Architettura exhibitions and discussions, Padova 2017 architettura is just around the corner with a

11 May 2017
Great success in Brescia for Azero Tour 2017
Very positive results for the Brescia seminar of Azero Tour 2017 which took place the last 4th of May. More than 150 professionals including surveyors, architects and engineers have shown their interest not

07 April 2017
Nesite participated at the first event of Chapter Veneto of the Green Building Council Italia.
On 23 rd March 2017, at Vega Science and Technology in Venice, a one day conference was held dedicated to sustainability protocols in north-west Italy organized by Chapter Veneto of the Green Building Council

26 May 2016
Diffuse chosen for the first sustainable Mosque
Next 1st of July the first sustainable mosque in Turkey will be inaugurated. The renovation of the Sheik Suleyman Mosque (the biggest of Instanbul), started in 2014 and wanted by the Directorate of Foundations